[css3.svg]CSS3 - Pseudo classes - Structural


Selects the root element of the document.

For an HTML document, the root is html. The root selector has higher specificity than the html element selector.

  :root {
      background-color: darkgray;

  <button onclick="changeRoot()">Click to change root</button>

  function changeRoot() {
      var style = document.createElement('style')
      style.type = 'text/css'
      style.innerHTML = ':root { background-color: darkgray; }'


Select a child element based on it's position within it's parent.

  span:nth-child(an+b) {
      background-color: darkred;
      color: white;


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Select a child element based on it's position within it's parent, but counting from the end.

  span:nth-last-child(an+b) {
      background-color: darkred;
      color: white;


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nth-child vs. nth-of-type

*:nth-child(2) select the second child element, regardless of it's type.
div:nth-child(2) selects the second child element only if it is a div. If the second child is not a div, the css rule won't be applied.
div:nth-of-type(2) selects the second element of all children that are div elements.

If your child elements are all of the same type, then nth-child is the same as :nth-of-type.


The same as :nth-child, except that it select items of the specified type only.
E.g. span.

  span:nth-of-type(an+b) {
      background-color: red;
      color: white;
For examples, see: :nth-child


The same as :nth-last-child, except that it select items of the specified type only.
E.g. span.

  span:nth-last-of-type(an+b) {
      background-color: red;
      color: white;
For examples, see: :nth-last-child


Selects the first child element.

  span:first-child {
      background-color: darkred;
      color: white;


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Selects the last child element.

  span:last-child {
      background-color: darkred;
      color: white;


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The same as :first-child except that it select the first child of the specified type.
E.g. span

  span:first-of-type {
      background-color: darkred;
      color: white;
For examples, see: :first-child


The same as :last-child, except that it select the last child of the specified type.
E.g. span.

  span:last-of-type {
      background-color: darkred;
      color: white;
For examples, see: :last-child

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first-child vs. first-of-type and last-child vs. last-of-type

*:first-child select the first child element, regardless of it's type.
div:first-child selects the first child only if it is a div. If the first child is not a div, the css rule won't be applied.
div:first-of-type selects the first element of all children that are div elements.

If your child elements are all of the same type, then first-child is the same as :first-of-type.


Selects an element that is the only child of it's parent.

  span:only-child {
      background-color: darkred;
      color: white;
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The first line matches the rule. The second line does not.


The same as :only-child except that it first selects all children of the specified type,
and then matches if there is only one child of that type.

  span:only-of-type {
      background-color: darkred;
      color: white;
For examples, see: :only-child


An element that is completely empty.

  p:empty {
      border: 1pt solid red;
  p:empty::after {
      content: "This paragraph was Empty!";


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© Richard McGrath